On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 09:43:39AM +0000, NOGUET Dominique wrote:
> >>>I have dwim, and when I create a new tex file I'm also queried for the 
> >>>master file.
> FYI, I tried 'dwim', which created an init file error (Symbol's value as 
> variable is void)

probably because you should have written «'dwim», i.e., with an initial
aprostophe. if you write «dwim», emacs thinks you're referring to the
variable named "dwim".[1] if you write «'dwim», you're telling emacs that you
mean the symbol named "dwim".

in lisp, that's a big difference... ;-)


[1] well, actually to the variable value of the symbol that is named "dwim".

Joost Kremers, PhD
University of Göttingen
Institute for German Philology
Käte-Hamburger-Weg 3
37073 Göttingen, Germany

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