Florian Ahrweiler <flo....@posteo.de> writes:

> As described in the manual, I pasted some lines into ~/.emacs, and
> .tex-files are recgnized, I can use the commands, everything is
> fine. EXCEPT: running the command, e.g. latex/pdftex with C-c C-c
> gives the following error message
>> LaTeX: problems after [0] pages
> in the minibuffer
> Running Emacs with "emacs -Q -l auctex" from the terminal, I can
> compile my .tex-files with C-c C-c. (I found this in the internet but
> without a lasting solution)
> So where should I look to fix this?

After C-c C-c LaTeX RET, press C-c C-l and post the contents of the log


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