Hi Joost,

>>>>> Joost Kremers <joostkrem...@fastmail.fm> writes:
> If you at some point in the future find the time to look into this
> more closely, I'd be happy to help any way I can (including trying out
> a newer ghostscript to see if the problem goes away). Until then, I'll
> live with this (for me) very minor inconvenience.

Now I can spare some time to examine this issue.  I installed gs 9.26
under $HOME/gs926 and customized `preview-gs-command' and
`preview-pdf2dsc-command' to use the gs926 versions.  I also customized
`preview-pdf-color-adjust-method' to `compatible'.  Unfortunately, I
can't reproduce what you described with the example quoted below.

Could you provide example to reproduce the problem and the output of
"M-x preview-report-bug RET"?

Ikumi Keita

--- example file ---
\[ a^{2}+b^{2}=c^{2} \]


%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
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%%% TeX-master: t
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