"Samuel W. Flint" <m...@samuelwflint.com> writes:

> I've started using the kaohandt class [1] recently, and I have
> TeX-parse-self and TeX-auto-save set to t.
> When AucTeX tries to parse the files "kaobook.cls", "kaohandt.cls", and
> "kao.sty", I get the following error (file names slightly edited):
>> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil)
>>   replace-regexp-in-string("[ \11\15\n%]" "" nil)
>>   LaTeX-xparse-macro-parse(mac)
>>   LaTeX-xparse-auto-cleanup()
>>   TeX-auto-parse()
>>   TeX-update-style(t)
>>   #<subr F616e6f6e796d6f75732d6c616d626461_anonymous_lambda_118>()
>>   run-hooks(find-file-hook)
>>   after-find-file(nil t)
>>   find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer kaobook.cls>
>> "~/texmf/tex/latex/kaobook/kaobook.cls" nil nil
>> "~/texmf/tex/latex/kaobook/kaobook.cls" (12617789 39))
>>   #<subr find-file-noselect>("~/texmf/tex/latex/kaobook/kaobook.cls" nil nil 
>> nil)
>> [...]
> I feel a bit out of my depth in debugging this issue, but it is
> preventing use of reftex features (reftex-reference in particular).

Thanks for the report.  You can reproduce the error by putting these 2
forms in the scratch buffer and eval them (i.e., put the cursor after
the closing parenthesis and hit 'C-x C-e'):

  (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t\r\n%]" "" "Samuel
  W. % Flint")
  => "SamuelW.Flint"

  (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t\r\n%]" "" nil)
  => Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil)
       replace-regexp-in-string("[ \11\15\n%]" "" nil)
       (progn (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \11\15\n%]" "" nil))

The part I don't understand is how that nil is passed as 3rd argument to

> I am using AucTeX b18e98cbec, built from source.  I can provide more
> information about my configuration as needed.

It would be great if you could come up with a recipe to reproduce the
error starting with "emacs -Q", that would help finding the root cause.

> Thanks for all the work on AucTeX!

You're welcome.

Best, Arash

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