Re: Teaser trailer for Papa Sangre II released

Nice clip, though I now want to see what the game actually plays like especially since from what I gather the game has slightly expanded gameplay from papa 1, aprticularly with extra achievements and such.

As to why Sean Bean being creepy is weerd, well it's just because of the rolls he's played in the past. His first most iconic part was as Captain richard Sharpe, a no nonsense napoleonic war British soldier. He then got famous for playing Boromir in the Lord of the Rings films, and more recently he played Lord Edard stark in the first tv Series of Game of thrones.

All of these characters are straight laced soldier types with a sense of honour, and usually a rather abrupt tempre for those they see as underhanded or sneaky, who usually get dealt with in short order.

it's sort of become a traidmark of Sean Bean's as an actor, indeed a lot of British people laughed at the scene in the first lotr film where he picks up the broken shards of the sword Narsil and says "still sharp" ---- was that about the sword or his previous character big_smile.

That is why him in a creepy horror setting is rather weerd, it's totally at odds for what he's best known for, though I suspect with him being a more than compitant actor it'll work in the end.


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