Hello Guan,

Guan Xin:
> However, the Makefile in the fhsm subdirectory has hard coded
> install_ulib to install to /usr/lib.
> Did I miss something (e.g., another dedicated command line parameter),
> or is there a reason for not allowing installation to other
> directories such as /usr/libexec, etc.?

The reason is that those commands are invoked from another command via
As you might know, specifying the full path is one approach to make it
secure. If you want to install them other than /usr/lib, you need to
change these lines too.

./fhsm/Makefile:38:override CPPFLAGS += 
./fhsm/Makefile:39:override CPPFLAGS += -DAUFHSMD_CMD=\"/usr/lib/aufhsmd\"

J. R. Okajima

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