On 30/05/2011, at 6:51 PM, David Conway wrote:

> As Mark says stall angle is complicated but they manage to present a lot of 
> it on the primary flight display alongside the airspeed strip:

Yep, although on AF-744 the PFD would have been inoperative.

(one of the alerts very early in the piece was an underspeed warning
showing 65 kts)

Airbus PFDs are driven by the air data computers.  The flight data
recorder indicates that all three air data computers tripped offline --
which would have removed the PFD's data feed, which would have
rendered the entirety of both pilots' PFDs inoperative.

They were flying blind, at Mach 0.8 at night in a thunderstorm with
no instruments.  The only real mystery is why it took five entire
minutes for them to hit the water.

  - mark

I tried an internal modem,                    new...@atdot.dotat.org
     but it hurt when I walked.                          Mark Newton
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