We went through Longreach and Mt Isa in July 2012. To get out of Longreach AD we had to show the card to the camera and talk on intercom so we could get the code to get back in. Mt Isa required the physical presence of the council security jerk and the card.

You don't need one until suddenly you do. Somebody offers you a chance to ferry an aircraft to a security controlled aerodrome and suddenly you need one but can't get it in time.

Likewise if you are flying cross country in a glider or powered aircraft do you really want the safest outlanding/diversion option to cause a security drama? You may need to go there due stress of weather, sudden storms or a change or some other emergency or matter of urgency.

It seems Paul's CFI is wrong. I find this unsurprising and his attitude appalling. Anybody is entitled to his or her own opinion on any thing and doesn't require the blessing of any organisation he or she may be coerced into joining, like the GFA. I wonder who the "us" is that he refers to when saying AOPA knows where to find "us"?

Like his allegation about AOPA I have no time for "self administration" or the sport aviation orgs that claim to do this. Most seem to be incompetent and offer many opportunities for various kinds of corruption. It is bad enough having public servants. Giving private people or organisations the coercive powers of government is beyond the pale.


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