 This is your chance to share in the collective wisdom of Garry Speight, 
soaring and cross country instructing pilot extraordinaire.
 Garry Speight's papers collectively titled Soaring Australian Thermals 
,published  mostly in Australian gliding journals from 1966 to 2015, have been 
gathered together,  edited, sometimes revised and with  comments added by 
Garry. They are now available on Lake Keepit Soaring Club's website, 
www.keepitsoaring.com.au, as a service to the gliding community.
 As you will see, the topics are diverse, always treated thoroughly and are 
often very erudite. Most of the early papers are still relevant and very useful 
to both beginning and experienced pilots.  
 The whole collection can be downloaded as one PDF or individual papers can be 
downloaded separately.



Graham Holland
27 Johnston Crescent
Lane Cove NSW 2066
02 9427 3282

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