On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 3:45 PM, Leo Davis <lda...@speechfxinc.com> wrote:
> Bruce,
> I pulled down the latest string.test from gitweb and made a patch for
> autogen-5.12. For some reason the patch below wouldn't apply. The 'make
> check' pass when building with your RPM .spec file for autogen-5.12
> passed without a problem.
> Did the Guile team really decide to break backward compatibility (wrt
> removing the high order bit of characters) like that or is it just a bug
> with Guile 2.0.2?

They claim it was a bug that they originally allowed it.

I saw "string" as an array of non-NUL bytes, just like C and sure
enough it worked that way.
They knew I was using it that way from the code fragments that I sent
from time to time
over the last decade, but it didn't connect that I was using their
string stuff in ways that
didn't fit their (undocumented) model about how they thought it was used.
So, they claim I was using a bug and I claim they changed the interface.
It depends upon perspective.  In any event, it is now broken and I am
required to
implement my own array-of-bytes code.  Not today or any time soon.  :(

I'll try to make the official release in the next couple of days.  Thank you!!

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