Hi Nikos,

On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 1:27 AM, Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos <n...@gnutls.org> wrote:
> If I have:
> flag = {
>     name      = rsa;
>     descrip   = "Generate RSA key";
>     doc = "When combined with --generate-privkey generates an RSA
> private key.";
> };
> results to:
> '   -", --rsa                  Generate RSA key'
> Note the funny '-"' that was assigned. The funny assignments (using
> values from "!@#$%^&*") seem to occur for all options that have no value
> and set doc to something else than empty.

It isn't funny at all.  ;)  It may be a little while before I can chase it down.
You are talking about the "help" usage text and not man pages, correct?
In that case, the issue has to be in one of the opt*.t* files and there
the only reference to the "doc" stanza is in code emitting an introductory
comment to a generated function for handling the option.

Thank you for raising the issue!

Regards, Bruce

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