> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> org] On Behalf Of Lars Noschinski
> Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 1:11 AM
> To: avr-gcc-list@nongnu.org
> Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] New GCC warning - how to silence?
> * Eric Weddington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [07-04-07 08:56]:
> >The makefile template that has been shipping with WinAVR 
> since 2002 has
> >consistently had -funsigned-char and -fshort-enums in the 
> compiler flags.
> Not everybody uses WinAVR or mfile. For example, the gcc-avr debian
> package doesn't ship mfile. And writing a Makefile isn't that 
> hard, so I
> know some projects which use their own Makefiles -- without the long
> lists of flags.

And if the end-user doesn't have those flags, or isn't aware of them, then
they will get signed chars and enums that take up 16-bits.

I concede the point about the warnings in 4.x; the warnings are correct and
they should be there. But it still doesn't make sense for the AVR port to
have signed chars and 16-bit enums. Changing the port to be otherwise will
not incur widespread application failure; we'll be lucky to get 1 or 2 minor
complaints. I'd rather change the port, then to constantly remind end-users
to use those flags in their Makefiles.

And let me turn the tables: you say that it is not that hard to write
Makefiles. I agree. I also know of people who write their own Makefiles. But
please go to AVR Freaks and tell that to the thousands of Windows users who
say that it is difficult or that they don't want to be bothered with it.
After all, that is why MFile was invented, and that is why the GCC plug-in
to AVR Studio is so popular: because both of those tools take care of
generating the Makefile for you. This is also part of the popularity of
Eclipse; it also generates the Makefile for you. If the port is changed to
do what is generally the right thing for the AVR, then it makes generating
the Makefiles simpler.


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