I tested the code on mega8 using winavr release 20070525. No problems were 


Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:              Hi, when I was new to the 
avr-gcc (and still fairly new to C), I read the eeprom like this:
  unsigned char eeread(unsigned char address)
              while(EECR & _BV(EEWE));
              EEAR = address;
              EECR |= _BV(EERE);
              return EEDR; 
  Not the ideal way of doing it, but it worked fine. I moved my code over from 
my debian system to winavr, which had a later version of the compiler.
  The above code now causes the device to reset. I have experienced this on an 
Atmega128, and an Atmega8.
  I can get things working again simply by using the eeprom.h routines in 
avr-libc, but I believe the above code should still work!
  I currently have the latest version of winavr, I don’t remember which 
compiler version I was running under debian.
  Can anybody shed any light on this? Why would the above code cause a reset 
when it used to work?
  Regards, Michael.
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