I think I may know the problem. 

Not only are your strings are stored in program memory, but also your
pointers to these strings are stored in program memory. 

So the line: 

> lcd_write_int16(dow[k]); lcd_putc(','); // outputs: address in dow[1] 

Does not actually output the address of "Pon", but the address in
program memory of which the pointer to "Pon" is stored. 

If you remove PROGMEM from the following line, I believe your code will
run as expected. 

> PGM_P dow[] PROGMEM = { dow0, dow1, dow2, dow3, dow4, dow5, dow6 }; 

Otherwise you will need to call functions to read the PGM_P's stored in
progmem into actual PGM_P's. 

There is a good progmem tutorial in the forum section on avrfreaks: 


Regards, Michael. 

> -----Original Message----- 

> From: avr-gcc-list-bounces+michael=clift.com...@nongnu.org

> gcc-list-bounces+michael=clift.com...@nongnu.org] On Behalf Of Zoran

> Sent: 24 May 2009 02:09 

> To: avr-gcc-list@nongnu.org 

> Subject: [avr-gcc-list] Possible bug in avr-gcc 4.3.2? 


> Hi all, 


> I am fairly new to the world of uC programming. I've been using

> 4.3.2 with ATmega168 and stumbled upon something rather peculiar. 

> Please consider the following code snippet (the crux of the matter is

> the last block of code): 


> #include "lcd.c" 


> // Day-of-week names 

> char dow0[] PROGMEM = "Ned"; 

> char dow1[] PROGMEM = "Pon"; 

> char dow2[] PROGMEM = "Uto"; 

> char dow3[] PROGMEM = "Str"; 

> char dow4[] PROGMEM = "Stv"; 

> char dow5[] PROGMEM = "Pia"; 

> char dow6[] PROGMEM = "Sob"; 


> // Days of week in an array. 

> PGM_P dow[] PROGMEM = { dow0, dow1, dow2, dow3, dow4, dow5, dow6 }; 


> // Time struct from BQ3285 

> typedef struct { 

> // time values 

> uint8_t sec; // seconds (0..59) 

> uint8_t min; // minutes (0..59) 

> uint8_t hour; // hours (0..11, or 0..23 if BQ_HF is set in BQ_REG_B) 


> // calendar values 

> uint8_t dow; // day of week (1..7, 1 = Sunday) 

> uint8_t day; // day of month (1..31) 

> uint8_t month; // month (1..12) 

> uint8_t year; // year (0..99) 

> } bq_time_t; 


> // current time 

> volatile bq_time_t now; 


> // ... 


> /* called from interrupt handler */ 

> // write the day of week 

> uint8_t k = 1; 

> uint8_t l = now.dow; 

> lcd_write_int16(k); lcd_putc(','); // outputs: 1 

> lcd_write_int16(l); lcd_putc(','); // outputs: 1 (now.dow is 

> inited to 1 outside) 

> lcd_write_int16(k==l); lcd_putc(','); // outputs: 1 (as it should) 

> lcd_write_int16(dow[k]); lcd_putc(','); // outputs: address in dow[1] 

> in pgm. space 

> lcd_write_int16(dow[l]); lcd_putc(','); // outputs: 0 (?!) 



> Whenever I try to index the dow[] array using a value from now.dow, I 

> get zero. This is all the more interesting, because the following 

> block, albeit unreasonable, works just as advertised: 


> switch (now.dow-1) { 

> case 0: lcd_write_string_P(dow[0]); break; 

> case 1: lcd_write_string_P(dow[1]); break; 

> case 2: lcd_write_string_P(dow[2]); break; 

> case 3: lcd_write_string_P(dow[3]); break; 

> case 4: lcd_write_string_P(dow[4]); break; 

> case 5: lcd_write_string_P(dow[5]); break; 

> case 6: lcd_write_string_P(dow[6]); break; 

> default: lcd_write_string_P(PSTR("???")); break; 

> } 

> // But this doesn't: lcd_write_string_P(dow[now.dow-1]); 



> Any help would be more than appreciated. 


> Thanks, 

> Zoran 





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