Unfortunately the only way to do this is to use the "naked" function attribute 
on your ISRs, but then you'll have to take care of doing the ISR prologue and 
epilogue yourself.

If you compile using a different architecture (that doesn't have > 64K RAM), 
then you'll have to deal with including the correct IO header file, and 
possible other issues.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> avr-gcc-list-bounces+eric.weddington=atmel....@nongnu.org 
> [mailto:avr-gcc-list-bounces+eric.weddington=atmel....@nongnu.
> org] On Behalf Of Rothe, Michael
> Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:57 AM
> To: avr-gcc-list@nongnu.org
> Subject: [avr-gcc-list] How can I turn off >64K ram support 
> for ATxmega128a1target?
> Hi!
> I try to get smaller code for the atxmega128a1 target from the gcc.
> Since we don't use a large external memory, I'd like to get 
> rid of the 
> additional code for RAMPD,X,Y,Z handling (e.g. in ISRs).
> It seems there is a generic atxmega6 target with the desired 
> properties,
> but I don't understand how generic targets and actual target are
> related.
> The actual atxmega128a1 target seems to be a atxmega7 type 
> target (with
> >64K RAM).
> Is there a way to convince the gcc to treat the atxmega128a1 
> as atxmega6
> (with <= 64K RAM)?
> Or is there another way to keep the gcc from generating code for the
> RAMP* registers, 
> which happen to be always 0 in my application because we are using
> internal RAM only?
> Thanks and cheers,
> Michael
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