On Friday 21 August 2009 23:06, Weddington, Eric wrote:
> > On Behalf Of Ruud Vlaming
> > 
> > I think it is about time that the compiler is extended 
> Patches welcome.
Yes Eric, i was waiting for that response ... it took you just over an hour ;-)

I have looked into it once, but since it is something that has to be done
in gcc itself first rather than in the avr-backend, i don't think i am able to
write this stuff at the moment. 

Furthermore, sometimes i have the feeling gcc is going in a direction 
microcontroller programmers do not want it to, reading the posts
appearing on this list about bloating by the newer versions. That
would require a switch --microcontroller or so on gcc. 

And although you are right that i should look at myself when i
want a new feature, it is not always feaseable nor sensable to
actually do it myself. People with a lot more insight experience
and working knowledge probably do this a hunderd times faster
than i, so the only thing i wanted to point out is that this
wish (calculus with 8 bit ints) exists among many programmers.
Thats all.

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