
as this was now tested and in most cases work, sometimes there are usb problems at verifying using an FT232H. But not always, so I checked it in so everybody can test it now.

Kind regards

René Liebscher

On 17.06.2013 22:23, René Liebscher wrote:

there was still a problem in the first patch, so it reads the samecontent for bitbanging and mpsse after the patch but this was both wrong compared to the state before.

This is now fixed, eeprom should now work, and it uses mpsse when the correct pins are used and falls back to bitbanging when using other pins.

Any comments?

René Liebscher

On 16.06.2013 23:03, René Liebscher wrote:

for a first try you might test the attached patch. It modifies avrftdi (not ftdi_syncbb, so you have to modify your conf entry).

It changes the avrftdi to use bitbanging over mpsse (using the set bits commands) and disables the pin check for now. (eeprom writing might not work.)

With my FT2232D it reads an ATmega168 in 27s (which was 4s using mpsse). However I do not own any FT232H hardware so I can not do any further checks.

Kind regards

René Liebscher

On 15.06.2013 22:59, "Ing. Daniel Rozsnyó" wrote:
would somebody on this list try to implement this? We can lend the hardware for testing if required and even offer some compensation /payment/.

  Would be nice to have a really universal soft-BB for FTDI chips.


Daniel Rozsnyo

On 06/06/2013 11:25 PM, René Liebscher wrote:

currently only FT232R/FT245R are supported, for other chips one had to
extend this module.


On 06.06.2013 21:44, "Ing. Daniel Rozsnyó" wrote:
  how can I make use of pins AC3~AC7 on a FT232HL for bitbang
programming an AVR?

  I naturally tried to count the pins in order AD0..AD7,AC0-AC9, but
avrdude is complaining:

$ avrdude -p atmega32 -c prob-hand -P usb -b 9600
avrdude: BUFF: Following pins are not valid pins for this function: 16 avrdude: RESET: Following pins are not valid pins for this function: 12
avrdude: SCK: Following pins are not valid pins for this function: 13
avrdude: MOSI: Following pins are not valid pins for this function: 15 avrdude: MISO: Following pins are not valid pins for this function: 14
         Pin assignment  : 0..7 = DBUS0..7
           VCC     =  (not used)
           BUFF    =  16
           RESET   =  12
           SCK     =  13
           MOSI    =  15
           MISO    =  14
           ERR LED =  (not used)
           RDY LED =  (not used)
           PGM LED =  (not used)
           VFY LED =  (not used)

avrdude done.  Thank you.


  id    = "prob-hand";
  type  = "ftdi_syncbb";
  connection_type = usb;
  usbvid = 0x0403;
  usbpid = 0x6014;
  reset = 12;
  sck   = 13;
  miso  = 14;
  mosi  = 15;
  buff  = 16;

Is there a trick or the support is just not there?




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