Dear AVRDUDE admin,

All my AVR8 projects incorporate some form of AVR109 compliant
bootloader to let endusers load firmware updates with no hardware tool

Since AVRDUDE is de-facto the most popular open-source firmware
up/down-loader in the AVR8 land I think that it would be advantageous
for the AVRDUDE community to have a matching and well-tested
bootloader included in its code base. On further development this
bootloader can overcome AVR109 protocol limits (such as having a 128KB
address space) and set an AVRDUDE standard.

In my latest project I derived the bootloader from Roland Riegel’s GPLv2
licensed BOOFA code (heavily modified). Here it is for your

Thanks, Enoch.

P/S Written in avrasm2 which is available to all via Atmel's Studio.

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