As David Mosberger wrote:

> > I'm not sure about D2XX. The issue came up earlier, it might contradict
> > Savannah's policy to offer "non-free" software hooks. Let's see.
> >
> No strong feelings on that from my side.

I'll postpone that one then.

> We are Linux-based anyhow and for
> our partners who aren't, we just ask them to use Raspberry Pi for
> programming purposes.  That has worked fine so far.

Isolating the programming environment that way is probably not a bad
idea at all.

> > I'm quite impressed about the sheer amount of rework you did here.

> Thanks!  It was a lot of work, but it has paid off.  We use this support on
> a daily basis in manufacturing.  Being able to program the boards with an
> off-the-shelf FTDI cable makes everything super easy.

Thanks for sharing that kind of impression / opinion.

I think it's the real value of open source: if you need something, you
just don't have to wait for anyone to get it to you, if you need it
badly, you can always do it yourself.

It's really great to learn how people are using these tools to get
their work done. That way, all the effort spent into it doesn't seem
in vain, or just for a handful of nerds in the world.

I just had some email exchange with Brian Dean, who originally wrote
"avrprog", as he called it by then. He's now really excited I then
talked him into opensourcing the tool, seeing what got out of it.

> > Question about that baudrate fixing patch: Would it hurt anyone to offer
> > this
> > as a default?

> It's been 4 years since I last worked on it, but from what I remember (and
> rereading the patch), I believe it's safe to always enable the workaround.

OK, I'll keep the #ifdef logic then, but will set the default to

Just tested TPI with the ft245r driver on my small ATtiny10 demo
board, and while (not surprisingly) it's not right away fast, works
like a charm.

cheers, Joerg               .-.-.   --... ...--   -.. .  DL8DTL
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)

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