You can easyly add your video to a movieclip, and use it as MovieMaterial...
Just save that material and add myMat.update(); in your enterFrame.

depending on speed/play rate, you can apply the following trick, set a cliprect that defines half/top of the video region
another one for the region beneath. Then at enterframe, toggle both.
On most videos, if the playrate is high enough, you do not even see the updates are done per half. A simple fps calculation during the first sec would be enough to decide if you can apply or not. Under 25 fps, this would probably not be suitable. At higher rates, this would boost perf and reduce cpu load.


On Sep 15, 2008, at 4:49 AM, fran wrote:

Hi again, continuing on learning away3D, I want to apply a flv file as

So far I have tried importing the file directly from swf movie as
movieClip material (which didn't worked - for one after importing swf
which contained the movie only empty frames were showing). I tried a
class found in:
which definitely I couldn't get to work (noticed I was missing proper
function after posting in that blog), however still didn't work. I'm
using flash, not flex (saw somebody post an example which used Flex 3
using embed).

Does somebody has a working code snippet that can be shared?

Thanks in advance.


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