On Jan 20, 2012 1:44 PM, "Julien Danjou" <jul...@danjou.info> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 20 2012, Perry Hargrave wrote:
> > But if they made custom modules that only use awful they don't have to
> > make that available, right?
> Since awful is GPL, I *think* they would have to.

Sony isn't releasing there (ps3)  opengl wrapping code are they?
They only have to offer their modifications to the actual opengl libraries.
If you add a custom an unique piece of software, that uses a gpl product,
you are not required to gpl your custom code.
If you make modifications to aan existing gpl project, then before
releasing your version you are required to submit the changes to the
upstream developers.

Another example is android, which is based on linux and has a couple
developers who submit patches to the lkml but a lot of goggle's
modifications never get merged

This is my understanding in a nutshell. I you modify already gpl'd code
then you are obligated to keep it open source. Just using a gpl product
doesnt mean all your stuff has to be gpl'd. Think of all the embedded stuff
that's never released.


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