Hello, I'm investigating several CA systems currently and I am wondering if
Axiom has certain capabilities.

(A) Differentiation through indefinite sums with respect to
indexed/subscripted variables. E.g., D( sum(p[i]*x[i],i)^2, j ) --> 2* p[j]
* sum(p[i]*x[i],i)
(B) Matrix Calculus. E.g.,
  D( sum( p[k] * multivariate_normal(mu[k], Sigma[k]), k), Sigma[j] ) -->
 Some large awful thing defined in equation 373 from the Matrix
Cookbook, Version:
November 14, 2008.

As I do some work with random variables and certainty equivalents, it would
be nice to find a CAS that allows me to easily double check my math.
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