When I last asked (about seven years ago!) how to draw two curves (in 2D)
on the one set of axes, Bill Page immediately and obligingly provided me
with a little gem of a function that you can see at


Now I know that it's supposedly possible to colour one's curves: such
documentation as I've been able to dig up makes reference to the
"spadcolors palette": there's even a domain PAL (Palette), but I can't find
how to actually specify a colour; whether RGB (and in which case as a list
of three integers each between 0 and 255, or hexadecimal, or by name, or
some other method).

Or can this whole business now be done neatly with gnuDraw?  I note that
gnuDraw, while no doubt excellent, has no examples in its documentation, so
I've no idea how to actually use it.

Note: I've checked out color.spad, palette.spad, and view2D.spad, but
without a couple of examples I'm somewhat at sea.


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