Dinesh Premalal wrote:
Hi Dumindu,

"Dumindu Pallewela" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Why are we releasing 1.2.1 with all the features added after 1.2
release? Shouldn't it rather be in 1.3?

I guess it will be more sensible if we released 1.2.1 with patches for
issues identified with 1.2 release and do a 1.3 release with the other
features at a different time.

Yes, I agree with you. When only we are getting ready for release
1.2.1 , we realize that we have enough features to go for 1.3
I'm +1 for Axis2/C 1.3 release.
I had this in my mind to go for an Apache Ramaprt/C release(1.2.0) with the Apache Axis2/C patch(1.2.1). And then catch up the Axis2/C 1.3.0 with Rampart/C 1.3.0, so the compatibility between released versions can be identified with the version number. But with a 1.3.0 of Axis2/C, its drifting further away . :) Anyways +1 for a 1.3.0 as we have so many new features to be released in Axis2/C. Recently we released Apache Ramaprt/C 1.1.0 and now have some new additions to the feature list. But WS-Secure Conversation and WS-Trust, which were main candidates for the 1.2.0 are not completed yet. So basically we will go for a Apache Rampart/C 1.2.0 with few features and will release WS-Secure Conversation and WS-Trust in 1.3.0.



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