
when connecting an Axis-C client (v1.5) to an Axis-java webservice, the return 
message has the following error:

   <faultstring>java.io.UTFDataFormatException: Invalid byte 2 of 2-byte UTF-8 

The only difference with all other working requests, seems the company name 
containing "GÜTER".
When debugging, the U-umlaut is showing correctly everywhere, but apparently 
the receiving webservice isn't getting it correctly.
The source message generated by Axis-C++ looks like this in TCPMonitor:

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
                  <ns1:company>ROTTMANN HEINRICH G TER</ns1:company>

So it seems the character is indeed being encoded incorrectly by Axis-C?

Does anyone have any hints to get this working?

By the way, I receive this company-name via another webservice, and I notice 
that they sent me this:

<employerName>ROTTMANN HEINRICH G&#xDC;TER</employerName>

Maybe there is a way to configure Axis-C to do the same, sending a character 
reference to avoid the encoding-mismatch?

Kind regards,
Iwan Tomlow

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