I think this occurs because you are violating the ownership rules with OM. Once the payload is passed in, the engine takes over the ownership of the node and you are not supposed to do anything with the payload afterwards.


Andy Karseras wrote:

I raised this problem in July and thought that it had been resolved (by doing proper clean-up), although it is now re-occurring.

I am seeing a close tag being created when there shouldn't be.

The incorrect message content is as follows...

<cwmp:getParameterValues xmlns:cwmp="urn:dslforum-org:cwmp-1-0">

I am sending the same message multiple times to the server and the error occurs on the third iteration (3rd time the message is sent) so am assuming that I am not doing proper clean-up after each message is created and then sent.

My questions as follows...
a) Has anybody seen this before ?

b) Will calling axiom_node_free_tree on nodeA also clean-up nodeB in the following example ?
    axiom_node_t *nodeB= axiom_node_get_first_child(nodeA, env);

c) Will a node created to be used in axis2_svc_client_add_header, be cleaned-up by axis2_svc_client_free ?

d) Is there any other info I can provide to clarify or help explain the problem ?

Many thanks.


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Samisa Abeysinghe Director, Engineering; WSO2 Inc.

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