Kuba Tomiczek wrote:
I have one more question regarding high memory usage levels -

I found this discusssion http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/ws-axis-c-user/200805.mbox/%3c1211391535.10358.25.ca...@manjula%3e and I just would like to confirm (I am using AXIS2C version 1.4):
It is impossible to have "chunk" file reading in this version of axis?
So sending an attachment of, let's say 150MB, I will always have it in full in Ram for a while?

I think so. All the improvements has been done to the trunk. So either you have to use the trunk, or wait till the 1.6 release is out.


Thank you for the response Manjula

I turned on caching (on client) by:
axis2_options_set_property(options, env, AXIS2_CACHE_ATTACHMENTS, propertyCacheAttachments); axis2_options_set_property(options, env, AXIS2_ATTACHMENT_TEMP_DIR, propertyAttachmentDir);

and experimented with  AXIS2_FILE_SIZE_THRESHOL.D

I also turned on caching on server in axis2.xml.

I do not get null response as a result of axis2_svc_client_send_receive_with_op_qname(svc_client, env, op_qname, payload);
any more but the application does not return from this function at all.
Moreover the CPU and memory usage increase to 50% (cpu) and more or less the size of the file (memory usage).
Cached directory seems not to be used at all.

I can see that the file (size ca. 70mb) was sent by the server (although loaded in full into memory before being sent, so caching does not work in this case either),

Maybe you have some hints that could be useful in my case?
Thanks a lot

Manjula Peiris wrote:
For larger files you should enable caching. see [1] for more details.



On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 13:35 +0100, Kuba Tomiczek wrote:
Hello all,
I have the following problem:
In my application the server side sends to the client a file, using Axis2c, SOAP11 and MTOM (So it is downloading a file instead of uploading what occured in all the examples I found). If the file is quite small (up to something about 45 MB), everything works OK, but if it's bigger, I get an error - the method axis2_svc_client_send_receive_with_op_qname returns null, and in the log, I can find an entry like: [error] ..\..\axiom\src\attachments\mime_parser.c(240) Some data in the message was not recieved I have enabled chunking in my axis2.xml on the server side:
 <parameter name="Transfer-Encoding">chunked</parameter>
as well as other necessary things required by MTOM:

 <parameter name="enableMTOM" locked="false">true</parameter>
 <parameter name="MTOMChunkBufferSize" locked="false">10</parameter>
 <parameter name="MTOMMaxChunkBuffers" locked="false">1000</parameter>

Do you maybe know what can be sources of such problem?
Thank you in advance,

Samisa Abeysinghe


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