Hi folks:

In the continued spirit of "release early and often", the Apache Axis team is pleased to announce the release of version 1.2.1, an incremental change over 1.2 final, with some added functionality and of course bug fixes. You can find it at:


A few words about this release -

* Changes can be found in changelog.html at the top level... Better cookie support, array handling, elementFormDefault in generated WSDL, SAAJ bug fixes, etc.

* As always, thanks to EVERYONE who submitted bug reports, patches, and
(especially) good, concise test cases.  Muchos gracias.

* Also as always, please send questions/comments to axis-user@ws.apache.org,
and development-related issues to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Issues may be
checked and filed at http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AXIS

Onwards to 1.2.Next...

  on behalf of the Axis team

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