Guess it's time to port the pluggable serializer/deserializer mechanism from 
Axis1 :)

-- dims

On 06/19/2009 06:33 AM, Andreas Veithen wrote:
So, to summarize: You are happy with most of the JavaBeans<->  XML
mapping rules, but you want to customize some of them (e.g.
java.util.Date/java.util.Calendar<->  xsd:date/xsd:dateTime mapping or
the way arrays are mapped), without modifying Axis2 code (or creating
a fork of it). Is that correct?

I think that is a valid use case that we should support, but we need
to do that in a proper way without degrading the architecture.


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 10:29, Pétur Runólfsson<>  wrote:
Hi Sanjiva,

I guess your point is that RPCMessageReceiver does everything you want except do the 
JavaBeans<->  XML mapping the way you want?

In that case, can you not subclass the message receiver and redirect some code?
That's what I would like to do, but it's currently not possible because all the 
interesting methods are static and can't be overridden. That's why the original 
patch changed some of those methods to be instance methods instead.


Pétur Runólfsson
From: Sanjiva Weerawarana []
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 02:48
To: axis-dev
Subject: Re: [Axis2] Make RPCUtil more flexible

Hi ... I'm a bit confused. Do you want to modify the behavior of ADB or the behavior 
of JavaBeans<->  XML mapping? The follow-up email proposal suggests the latter.

If its the latter, the design approach in Axis2 was that you'd have your own message 
receiver that did whatever you want. I guess your point is that RPCMessageReceiver 
does everything you want except do the JavaBeans<->  XML mapping the way you 
want? In that case, can you not subclass the message receiver and redirect some code?


2009/6/18 Pétur Runólfsson<<>>
Hi Andreas,

I agree that just taking RPCUtil and making the methods non-static doesn't 
result in a great design. On the other hand it's a quick way to get some more 
flexibility without changing much code.

Anyway, in order to get started on an API, here are the things called by 
RPCMessageReceiver I think are most important to be customizable:

* Conversion from OMElement to Object (approximately 
BeanUtil.processObject(OMElement omElement, Class classType, MultirefHelper 
helper, boolean isArrayType, ObjectSupplier objectSupplier), or maybe 
BeanUtil.deserialize(OMElement response, Object [] javaTypes, ObjectSupplier 
objectSupplier, String[] parameterNames), depending on how arrays should be 
* Conversion from Object to OMElement (most of 
RPCUtil.processResponse(SOAPFactory fac, Object resObject, OMElement 
bodyContent, OMNamespace ns, SOAPEnvelope envelope, Method method, boolean 
qualified, TypeTable typeTable), also BeanUtil.getPullParser(Object beanObject, 
QName beanName, TypeTable typeTable, boolean qualified, boolean 
processingDocLitBare), the interface here might be more convenient to extend if 
the XMLStreamReader was dropped and objects converted directly to OMElement 

This might result in an interface like:

public interface BeanConverter {
  Object deserialize(OMElement omElement, Class targetType);
  OMElement serialize(Object object, QName name);

OMElement could maybe be replaced with XMLStreamReader, but I think the 
interface is much nicer if the same type is used in both directions. Note that 
ObjectSupplier, MultirefHelper, SOAPEnvelope, TypeTable, SOAPFactory, qualified 
and processingDocLitBare don't need to be parameters on the (de)serialize 
methods in this interface, since implementations will be stateful. There should 
probably be setters for them in the interface.

There are other things that could be interesting extension points (for example 
handling errors from the service method, or looking up the service method), but 
I think the above two would be a good start.


Pétur Runólfsson
From: Andreas Veithen 
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 14:14
Subject: Re: [Axis2] Make RPCUtil more flexible


I didn't look in detail at your suggestion, but I have some doubts
from an architecture point of view. I don't think that taking an
existing utility class and promote that to an API or extension point
will improve the quality of the Axis2 architecture. If there are
aspects that need to be configurable or extensible, than we should
define a proper API for that.


On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 13:19, Pétur 
Runólfsson<<>>  wrote:

For various reasons, I have on several occasions wanted to modify the behavior 
of ADB. Unfortunately, in many cases the only way to do this is to change the 
ADB source code and recompile, because most of the relevant bits of ADB is 
composed of static methods that can't be overridden.

Here is a patch to convert some of the static methods to instance methods. The 
patch removes the static qualifier from all methods in RPCUtil. A protected 
RPCUtil member is added to the classes that use RPCUtil (RPCMessageReceiver and 
JavaTransportSender). This makes it possible to customize RPCUtil by extending 
those classes and setting the RPCUtil member to a subclass of RPCUtil.

Because this patch removes static qualifiers from public methods, the change is 
neither source nor binary compatible. If this is a problem, it is possible 
instead to move the code to a new class (maybe named RPCInvoker?), and have 
RPCMessageReceiver and JavaTransportSender use that class. RPCUtil would have a 
static instance of new new class and forward all calls to that. If keeping 
compatibility is preferred, I can make a new patch that does this.


Pétur Runólfsson
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