Spies, Brennan schrieb:
This should be pretty easy to do...have the servlet filter check the
"Accept-Encoding" before applying GZIP compression. Then, when debugging,
have the client turn off this header.

Thanks, good hint!

Does anyone know better compression techniques than gzip? I found a paper claiming much better compression than gzip:

        Author = {C. Werner and C. Buschmann and S. Fischer},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Web Services},
        Month = {July},
        Pages = {540-547},
        Title = {Compressing SOAP Messages by using Differential Encoding},
        Year = {2004}}

If my mind serves me right, I have also heard for years now, that people are researching XML compression. Is there any advanced compression algorithm available for Axis?


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