Thanks, Deepal.  I changed to set the property in OperationConetxt and it works.
  I noticed the OperationContext is copied from the in to the out 

Deepal Jayasinghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi Shaoguang ,

Yes , you can not store property in req message context and access them
using response message context. If you want to do so , then you need to
store the property in OperationConetxt not in the message context.

There will be two fresh message context for one in-out mep.


> On server side, I use a request and a response handler to log some data.
> In the request handler, I called
> messageContext.setProperty("myProperty", "xyz").
> In the response handler, messageContext.getProperty("myProperty")
> returns null.
> It looks the properties in MessageContext (Options) are reset after
> invoking the web service.
> Should the messageContext carry around the custom properties through
> all server-side handlers?
> Shaoguang
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