Hello to all!
After a deep search into Axis2 sources and Google, I found that I need to customize type mapping and the ADB templates used to generate code.

I found out that if I specify -Dorg.apache.adb.properties=my-schema-compile.properties to Java, I can make WSDL2Java use my custom configuration file, where I can specify a custom type mapping class and a custom XSLT template to generate beans.

My question is this: is -em WSDL2Java option related in some way with the type mapping class? How should it be used? What kind of file should I specify with it (a property file?)? How should it be written?
Could it be used to avoid to write an entirely new type mapping class?

Looking at Axis2 sources, I couldn't understand it clearly.

Thank you in advance.

(BTW: a WSDL2Java option to specify a custom schema-compile.properties would be nice... otherwise, it would be enough to document -Dorg.apache.adb.properties=...).

Mauro Molinari
Software Developer

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