nate roe wrote:

I think you've touched on my problem a little bit -- I am not actually deploying any axis2 JSPs. I don't understand, though, why I'm getting a blank page instead of a 404 when I try to access services/listServices when the JSP doesn't exist.

Try using TCPMon and capture the messages that goes over the wire, that might help explain the situation.



On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 3:10 PM, Martin Gainty <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    hi nate

    to disable:
    in axis2-web/index.jsp
    comment out
    <a href="services/listServices">Services</a>
    ren /axis2-web/listServices.jsp anythingElse

    to enable:
    ren anythingElse /axis2-web/listServices.jsp
    take out comments in axis2-web/index.jsp
    <a href="services/listServices">Services</a>

    does this help
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    Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 12:11:17 -0700
    To: <>
    Subject: listServices returns a blank page instead of a list of

    I'm using Axis2 v1.4.1.  Axis2 is deployed on JBoss 4.0.5,
    embedded in a WAR named my_service.war.

    When I hit this URL:

    I receive a 200 OK with a content-length of 0.  Axis2 appears to
    respond with an entirely blank page.  I expect instead a list of
    services.  Can this list of services be disabled by
    configuration?  What can I check to re-enable the list?

    Nate Roe

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