Each time a repsonse is sent from axis it needs these two lines in the HTTP header:
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache

This is so that the various gateways/routers/vpn servers/whatever else knows not to cache the result of a soap message

NOTE: these lines are included in the client, so only the server(servlet?) needs fixing.

----Original Message Follows----
Hi Calvin,

I guess that the current AXIS doesn't have the optoin
for caching control. What's your problems ?

I might provide a solution depends on your condition.


Toshiyuki Kimura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
R&D Headquarters

-----Original Message-----
From: Calvin Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 5:21 AM
Subject: axis and caching

I'm testing with axis 1.0 and have noticed that axis does not specify that
the soap response is not cachable, which causes me some problems. Is there
an option for axis to suppy the caching control in the response?

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