First, read this if you haven't:

Bottom line is that you can't do doc/literal with Axis 1.1.  We're currently
using Axis 1.2 alpha builds to publish doc/literal Web services.  It goes
something a little like this:

Build XML Schemas (by hand, using XMLSpy 2004).
Build WS-I compliant WSDL (by hand, using XMLSpy 2004 and SOAPScope 3.0).
Axis 1.2 WSDL2Java to generate:
a) server side web service skeletons
b) Java data objects
c) deploy.wsdd snippet
d) client side proxy stubs

Sounds easy, right?  Just remember Google, Bugzilla, Red Bull, and Starbucks
are your best friends.  Good luck.


-----Original Message-----
From: KimJohn Quinn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 2:48 PM
Subject: RPC and Doc/Literal...


Quick question, currently we are using RPC for building WebServices that
interact with .NET (.NET is the client, Axis is the Server).  We can do
this with no problem including using the wsdl "to" and "from" tools.  We
are now trying to generate those same objects for doc/literal but
without much success.  Are there any good resources to reference for
doing this?  Running into problems with the encoding and the namespaces


KimJohn Quinn

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