I am assuming that you could pass session tracking info in the SOAP Header..

Using SOAP headers may not be an option for me as I may have to share the same session between the Axis servlet and another plain HTTP servlet I have running for various reasons.

Is there a way in Axis to get to the HTTP transport (in particular getting and setting the cookies) from the *client* side of Axis?

The thing I'd like to consider is whether one server could handles all these
200 modular services on one box.. If not, you might want to host them under
different AXIS instances on different boxes.. In other words, it might be
favorable to host smaller several services instead.

I do not have 200 modules, I have about 7 modules, with a total of about 200 methods across the 7 modules.

Also, if these services are modular and thus not inter-dependent, then
keeping them separate gives you the option to move it around independently
of the others - such as hosting it to another server cause one particular
modular service is used heavily by your users and need to boost it's
performance or any other such needs in the future..

The modules will not depend on each other with the exception of the SessionModule which will have to be called first before any method in any other module can be used (authentication for an end user needed).


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