Could someone who has more experience with the Axis client side clarify how it works in a multi-threaded environment?

E.g. if I create a Service instane on the client and from that get a Stub instance, is it safe for mutliple threads to make calls on the Stub at the same time?

If not, where are the thread boundaries? Do I need multiple Stub instances? Or multiple Service instances? Or is the whole Axis client single-threaded?

Also, how does the HTTP session tracking (cookie-based) work in the Axis client environment? Can I have multiple sessions going at the same time? If so, do I need multiple Services? Stubs? I guess the question is where is the session cookie stored? In the Service instance? In the Stub instance? Statically in the JVM in which case it would only be possible to have only 1 session?

Thank you for your help. I am sure other users have the same questions.


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