It shouldn't matter. 
What errors are you getting?

On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 11:17:44 +0200, Ilkka Heinonen
> Hello All,
> Thank You, Anne, from your reply for last question.
> Using WSDL2Java, seems that elements, attributes and e.g. complexType has to
> have lower case first character. If I run WSDL2Java with capital first
> letters in names, I will get an error. When I manually change all names to
> start with lower case, I will get working SOAP service(?). Is this true?
> e.g.
> Originally names were Companies, CompanyData, SearchString, .
> .
> <s:complexType name="companies">
>  <s:sequence>
>    <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" form="unqualified"
> name="companyData" type="s1:companiesCompanyData"/>
>  </s:sequence>
>  <s:attribute name="searchString" type="s:string"/>
>  <s:attribute name="catalogueID" type="s:string"/>
>  <s:attribute name="catalogueURI" type="s:anyURI"/>
> </s:complexType>
> .
> I get from another organization Microsoft SOAP Toolkit compatible WSDL that
> has every element, attributes and complexTypes names that starts with upper
> case character. What I can do?
> - we have to change all names to start with lower case name?
> - is there a way to put WSDL2Java work with uppercase first letter in names?
> Best regards
> -Ilkka-
> +358 20 722 4995

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