
I have been running Axis 1.1 for a while... With a handler
that calls messageContext.getOperation() to log the client
method request... The service runs in a WAS 5.1 env on AIX...

Out of the blue I start getting null pointers from the
handler... I traces it down this line:

public void invoke(MessageContext messageContext) throws AxisFault {
        String name = messageContext.getOperation().getName();

So I started searching.... Sure enough the getOperation() returns
null from an Axis test client and JMeter script... In the debugger
I can see the AxisServer.class and the msgContext in this line:


whose operation is null.... huh?  There are other services deployed
in this same container that use the same handler just fine.....

The Axis JavaDoc says it's ok for the messageContext.getOperation() to
return null....  If that is the case how does the Axis servlet know
which method to call in the service class implementation?  Should I be
using something other than messageContext.getOperation() to get the
method the client is calling?

Thanks a ton for any advise....
-- Kevin

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