Title: AXIS for Tandem OSS
I've implemented Axis on HP NonStop (Tandem).  There is a presentation posted on the ITUG Java SIG home page (see link below)
Scroll down to the "Document downloads" section.  The presentation is entitled "Practical NonStop J2EE Development".  See the section of the presentation that is entitled "Web Services Approach".  There is an architecture diagram that identifies the pieces and how they fit together.  There is also an article in the Nov/Dec issue of ITUG's "The Connection" magazine entitled "An Open Source Web Services Solution for NonStop", that describes the architecture.
As a basic overview, I've built an Axis-based web app (i.e. a .war file that contains all the Axis infrastructure) underneath HP's NSJSP servlet container, which runs underneath the iTP web server.  I'm running Axis 1.1 in production but moving toward 1.2 in development.
'Hope that helps,
-----Original Message-----
From: Conzemius, Clarence P. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 10:16 AM
Subject: AXIS for Tandem OSS

What version of AXIS would be used for Tandem OSS? My specific problem is related to the fact that wsdl2java created source files with org/apache/axis/client/Service which is not found on Tandem OSS. Has anyone installed AXIS on Tanem OSS?

Any suggestions or directions would be greatly appreciated.


Clarence (Claude) P Conzemius
Phone: 507-266-2189
Pager: 127-07565  
Location: Siebens 828

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