I may not understand exactly what you are trying to do, but did you notice the "-c" option to wsdl2java where you can specify a class to use instead of the BindingImpl?

Sorry if I am off topic with my answer.


Brian Davis wrote:
I wrote an ant task to do this, you can use it if you like. It would be nice if they included something like this with Axis. I sent the jar to you, just put it on your classpath. If anyone else would like it, just email me. I couldn’t attach it and send to the list.

You’ll need something like:

<taskdef name="fixwsdl2java" classname="com.willyloman.anttasks.FixWSDL2JavaTask"/>

And then:

<fixwsdl2java filename="your filename" classtocall="your fully qualified class"

extraarguments=", org.apache.axis.MessageContext.getCurrentContext()" />

The extra arguments go just inside the last ‘)’

Brian Davis

Software Developer

JMM Ventures


*From:* Pritesh Damani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Thursday, January 13, 2005 11:51 AM
*Subject:* fillng the impl java file

Hello Everyone,

I am relatively new to axis and I was wondering if someone can help me with the following problem,

I have a big repository of methods that I need to expose to webservices.

When i get the final stub files from the wsdl2Java ,

the BindingImpl.java file needs to be filled in for calling substitutions.

Can anyone advise me if there is someway to automate this ?

Thank You

Pritesh Damani


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