The scope (session, application, request) on the server side tells Axis how many instance of the server implementation classes to create, it doesn't have much to do with the session on the client side. The client is not aware of the session scope on the server side. So you can for example use sessions on the client even if the scope on the server is application (or request).

Now, session tracking on the client side via HTTP cookies has a few issues. You may want to look at these bugs (some may or may not apply to your usage case but it's good to be aware of them):


Shantha Kumar wrote:

if the client doesn't call setMaintainSession(true) the JSessionID cookie
doesn't get transported to the server. The server keeps creating a new
session and also a new bean.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wiener, Zach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:26 PM
Subject: Question about session scope

Hello. If I deploy a service with session scope, then why must the client call setMaintainSession(true)? It seems that the service, or Axis, should be responsible for maintaining the scope of the service as session. How is the scope of a service published to clients? What happens if a service is deployed as session scope, but the client doesn't call setMaintainSession(true)?


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