I have the same problem. Unfortuantely it's not possible without patching the Axis code. I will be working on that in the next couple of weeks because I need it for my project. I will submit the patch to Axis once completed, but that doesn't guarantee it will be accepted. You can contact me in private if you would like the patch in a few weeks (when I get around to doing it as I have other priorities right now).

Btw, there's a bug for it:



Praveen Peddi wrote:
Thanks. But I have multiple services. On teh server side, I have 4 SOAP services and each has itw own WSDL. When I generated the code for each WSDL, it generated XXXServiceLocator for each service. Calling setMaintainSession(true) on all service locations maintains the same session? I need to enable cookies for the whole client not for just one service.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tim K. (Gmane)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: Maintain session when using stubs generated by WSDL2Java

On the generated <Foo>ServiceLocator call setMaintainSession(true)

Or you can cast the generated Stub to javax.xml.rpc.Stub and then call stub._setProperty(Stub.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY, Boolean.TRUE) which is the JAX-RPC way.

Both work in Axis, but the first one is Axis specific while the second one follows the JAX-RPC spec.


Praveen Peddi wrote:

Hello all,
I was using Apache SOAp on client side and Axis on server side. Since ouor soap services need enabling of cookies on client side, I was maintaining juts one Call object and calling Call.setMaintainSession(true). This enables cookies on client side.
Now we are migrating our clients to use Axis generated stubs. I looked at the generated code and I see that the stub is creating a new Call object for every soap call. This way, how do I enable cookies on client side (other than URLRewriting)?
Praveen Peddi
Sr Software Engg, Context Media, Inc.
Tel: 401.854.3475
Fax: 401.861.3596
web: http://www.contextmedia.com
Context Media- "The Leader in Enterprise Content Integration"

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