hello friends

this might be helful for new user.

first deploy your EJB in server. Then either use deploy tool to deploy
your service or create a new service element into service-config.wsdd
for e.g.

<service name="SimpleBean" provider="java:EJB">
  <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="sayHello"/>
  <parameter name="remoteInterfaceName" value="samples.ejb.SimpleBean"/>
  <parameter name="beanJndiName" value="local/SimpleBeanEJB"/>
  <parameter name="homeInterfaceName"

provider(java:EJB) attribute in service tag take care of looking up home
interface and creating a ejb remote object to invoke method.

that's it...

 now you can call web service from client.
but you should have idea of service name,operation name and
parameters.since we haven't created any wsdl file.

but can any one explain me working of stub,service locator ,SOAPIMPl 
all these file generated from WSDL2Java tool.use of all this file.i have
read axis-doc but need more details.

With Regards

Pavan Kumar

Netcore Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Website:  http://www.netcore.co.in
Spamtraps: http://cleanmail.netcore.co.in/directory.html

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