On Tue, 27 Nov 2007, Matt Sergeant wrote:

} On 8-Nov-07, at 7:52 PM, Vince LaMonica wrote:
} > <xsp:page xmlns:xsp="http://www.apache.org/1999/XSP/Core";
} >          xmlns:global="http://www.creITve.de/2002/XSP/Session";
} >          xmlns:auth="http://www.creITve.de/2002/XSP/Auth";
} >          xmlns:session="http://www.apache.org/1999/XSP/Session";>
} > 
} >    <login>
} > 
} > <xsp:logic>
} >     my $login =
} > PRIVATE::WWW::com::comground::screendoor::dealer::login($cgi);
} >            if ($login->{valid}) {
} >                eval {
} >                    <auth:login destination="summary.xsp">
} >                        <auth:access
} > type="user"><xsp:expr>$login->{booth}</xsp:expr></auth:access>
} >                    </auth:login>
} >                };
} >                $session = $r->pnotes('SESSION');
} >                <session:set-attribute
} > name="booth"><xsp:expr>$login->{booth}</xsp:expr></session:set-attribute>
} >                <session:set-attribute
} > name="dealer"><xsp:expr>$login->{dealer}</xsp:expr></session:set-attribute>
} >                die $@ if $@;
} >            }
} > </xsp:logic>
} > -------8<---------
} So at this level $r isn't in scope. At least not the proper AxKit $r. You need
} to be in the main output stage of the XSP page for the right $r to be valid.

Thanks for the help - it is much appreciated! The only issue is that this 
code has worked for 3+ years on the old server [still works, if i update 
DNS so that folks go there instead]. When I moved the code to the new 
server, it started failing. I *think* the version of AxKit on the old 
server was 0.99 or 0.98. The version on the new server is 1.7. 

I'm not very familar with AxKit, as all of the development of this was 
done prior to my arrival 3 years ago. Is there documentation that would 
help explain how to migrate from a pre-1.0 AxKit to v1.7?

Thanks so much for your reply.


Vince J. LaMonica       Knowledge is knowing a street is one way.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  <*>  Wisdom is still looking in both directions.

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