Hi Bill,

Just some thoughts:

Have you tried drawing out timelines for your Francisco Jose Cordeiro and 
for the NZ Francisco Jose?  Sometimes that helps clarify things.  

What documents exist for the New Zealand Francisco Jose?  

I'm struck by how much Francisco Jose and Maria Isabel seemed to be moving 
around.  I'd look at a timeline of events in the Azores to see if there 
might be external reasons for their island hopping.  Personal/economic 
reasons would be harder to identify-- not that this would help you figure 
it out, but I like to think about context...  I also think it's interesting 
that Maria is significantly older than Francisco and that their first child 
is born only about 5 months after the wedding.   And that he was only in 
his late 20's when he may have vanished from the Azorean records.  

You don't explicitly say, but I assume you haven't found an obit for 
Francisco Jose, and you're trying to use other evidence to confirm his 
presence or absence in the Azores?  

Circumstantial evidence and supposition aside, the DNA links seem 
compelling.  Is there another way to explain them?

I doubt there's anything here you haven't already considered, but maybe it 
will spark an idea.

What an interesting mystery!

best of luck,


On Friday, January 17, 2020 at 3:45:15 PM UTC-8, Bill Seidler wrote:
> This is asking a lot, but I am hoping someone will take up interest and 
> offer me an opinion or guidance.  I suspect my wife's 2d Great Grandfather 
> left the Azores in the 1860s and ended up in New Zealand.  
> He is mentioned on his last child's baptism (João)  in 1854.  Then he is 
> the father of the groom on the same child's marriage in 1882.  It does not 
> say he was absent, but I don't think it would since the groom was of age.  
> If my theory is correct he would have already been gone.  He is also 
> mentioned as the paternal grandfather on the baptisms of the four children 
> of his son João.  His first son, Manuel, left around 1869 and ended up in 
> Sacramento, CA under the name Manuel J. Lamb.  His second son died as an 
> infant.
> He is next mentioned in his wife's (Maria Isabel) Obit which states that 
> she is still married to Francisco José Cordeiro.  It confirms that she is 
> leaving two sons which concurs with the baptisms and obit I have found for 
> their children.
> Then on the list of inventories available on Sãojorgegenealogy.org (image 
> attached), her son João (Manuel was already in Sacramento) is listed as the 
> one doing the inventory.  Would this have been her husband if he were 
> present?  If the theory I am attempting to test in true, her husband was 
> already married to someone else in New Zealand by this time.  In New 
> Zealand, Francis Joseph (who I suspect is Francisco José Cordeiro) reported 
> that he was married before but was widowed. 
> My wife is a close DNA match to descendants of the Francis Joseph in New 
> Zealand.  There is one descendant of Antonio José Cordeiro (Francisco's 
> father on Gracioisa) that matches both my wife and the descendants of 
> Francis Joseph in New Zealand.
> I have attached links to the CCA records that tracked Francisco José 
> Cordeiro to the extent I was able and a .jpg image in the inventory list 
> for any that would be willing to help me sort this out.
> His baptism in 1828 São Mateus da Praia, Graciosa: (Francisco, starting 
> just below top right).
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/GRA-SC-SAOMATEUS-B-1826-1833/GRA-SC-SAOMATEUS-B-1826-1833_item1/P30.html
> His marriage in 1849 in São Sebastião, Ponta Delgada, S. Miguel (starts 
> bottom left)
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/SMG-PD-SAOSEBASTIAO-C-1841-1854/SMG-PD-SAOSEBASTIAO-C-1841-1854_item1/P121.html
> First child baptism in 1849 São Mateus da Praia, Graciosa (starts bottom 
> right)
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/GRA-SC-SAOMATEUS-B-1841-1855/GRA-SC-SAOMATEUS-B-1841-1855_item1/P179.html
> Second child baptism in 1852 Urzelina, São Jorge (Third on left)
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/SJR-VL-URZELINA-B-1841-1855/SJR-VL-URZELINA-B-1841-1855_item1/P82.html
> Second child’s obit in Urzelina a month later: (second on right)
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/SJR-VL-URZELINA-O-1841-1858/SJR-VL-URZELINA-O-1841-1858_item1/P41.html
> Third child’s baptism in 1854 in Urzelina (bottom left)
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/SJR-VL-URZELINA-B-1855-1860/SJR-VL-URZELINA-B-1855-1860_item1/P14.html
> Third child’s marriage in 1882 in Urzelina (left side)
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/SJR-VL-URZELINA-C-1880-1889/SJR-VL-URZELINA-C-1880-1889_item1/P24.html
> Wife’s obit in 1901 in Urzelina (bottom right)
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/SJR-VL-URZELINA-O-1900-1911/SJR-VL-URZELINA-O-1900-1911_item1/P14.html
> Thanks to anyone who just took the time to read this.
> Bill Seidler

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