On Sun, May 5, 2013 at 1:05 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek
<j...@pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr> wrote:
>> It's not ECMP for ipv6 I'm looking to see solved for multiple routing
>> protocols, but the multiple ipv6 prefixes/multiple exits source
>> routing problem.
> As you well know, Dave, we've been working on that for the last
> fortnight or so.
> We've run into a limitation of the kernel:
>   http://www.spinics.net/lists/netdev/msg235316.html

Hmm. Given that this code path has only barely been exercised before
and so many changes to the routing paths have happened in the last 2+
years, I'm not surprised its broken.

> Unfortunately, I've had no reply to my question:
>   http://www.spinics.net/lists/netdev/msg235346.html
> So it looks like we're going to have to dynamically generate rule
> table entries... sigh.

Well, given the work going into mptcp in particular, a better API for
src specific routing for ipv6 than the ip rule system seems like a
good idea.

 Widening the distribution a little bit...

>> The homenet folk demonstrated this form of ipv6 multihoming working
>> (using a version of OSPF and BIRD, I believe) at the last ietf.
> That is interesting.  Would you happen to know how they're interfacing
> with the kernel?  Or perhaps have a link to their code?

I don't know where the ietf 86 bird work on multihoming went. (?)
Patterson's original work on ospf is here:


and the ietf drafts are here


> -- Juliusz

Dave Täht

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