
As suggested by you, we configured /32 routes for ad-hoc network.
Raspberry pi's (both edge and non-edge systems) are able to connect to each other, but now even with the same configurations on my laptop I am not able to connect to that network.

As soon as I start babeld on my laptop, all the raspberry pi's get negative route to my laptop.
My laptop does not get any route to these systems.

Also, I noticed that I can no longer access the raspberry pi's through ethernet network. I could access all other devices on the ethernet network except raspberry pi's. Only after I kill babeld on my laptop, I can access raspberry pi_'_s via ethernet network. Consider that I am running babeld only on wlan0 interface and not on eth0 interface on my laptop as well as pi's.

On 03/27/2014 01:40 AM, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
If I understood correctly, we should use addresses with netmask
Yes, although I recommend thinking in terms of prefix length instead
of netmask.

But with this netmask, each device will think that it is the only IP
in the adhoc network
No.  Every device will think it is the only device that's reachable
without a dynamically installed route -- the default "on link"
assumptions of the kernel will be disabled.

How does babeld work in this case?
Very well.

-- Juliusz

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