On 26/02/07, James Cridland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As a point of interest, larger website owners *do* pay for the serving of
the ads (as well, in most cases, as the advertiser).

Incidentally, I have written stuff (for one of my websites) which blocks
website content if the ads don't load. It's quite easy to do, depending on
how your ads are being served. If ad-blockers grow, you'll see a ton of
these scripts proliferating on the web. (Given the stats from one of the
websites I'm responsible for, I estimate that 5% of pages are served to
people with adblockers; which I see as fairly acceptable - 20% might not be,


As was pointed out, Adblock can download the ads then hide them client side.
You're making a rod for your own back by doing that as I'll put a heavier
load on your server yet still not see the ads, and as Jason pointed out it
supposedly lowers the CTR (I'm unconvinced, I've never seen an ad that I
wanted to click anyway) as well. So let the various "content blocking"
scripts proliferate, as long as I can do what I like with my client they
will not only remain pointless, but actually harm you. Try offering content
that people want instead, and ask them to show support by clicking on the
ads; if they have an adblocker, and your stuff is good, you should have no
need for said scripts as your community will *want* to support you.


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