
2008/7/24 Brian Butterworth
> 2008/7/24 Paul Clifford
>> I sent a reply yesterday, but I think it got stuck in a moderation
>> queue.  Firstly, a quick heads-up: the <episode> tag is going away in
>> favour of the <programme> tag.  The current feed has both, to ease the
>> transition, but <episode> should be gone by Wednesday or Thursday next
>> week.

> I chose to use <epsiode>!  I'll have to change the tags I'm looking at...  

Sorry bout that. The shape of the XML should be more stable from now on

> I think I found the DTD earlier today.

If you did you've got more than us ;-) btw we might have a TVanytime 
representation of the schedule sometime soonish

> Another thing that would be great would be to have a link to the podcast for
> radio content too.  Something like:

> <media format="podcast">
>  <availability>5 days left to download</availability>
>  <expires>2008-07-30T09:32:00+01:00</expires>
>  <content>
> </content>
>   <feed></feed>
> </media>

yup - that would be superb. Unfortuntely podcasts are made through an entirely 
separate application to PIPs. We don't have enough data to determine whether a 
podcast episode is (more or less) as broadcast, a shortened version or a whole 
new (compilation) episode. So to avoid spamming PIPs with spurious episodes 
we're just gonna be linking from the brand page to the podcast (the 
aggregation; not the episode). this will be there soon

i *think* we have longer term plans to integrate pips and podcast production 
which would give us podcastability at every point of aggregation rather than 
just closed sets of brands. but that's way down the line

>> We don't have very accurate information about future iPlayer
>> availability.  Overall, the average difference between the expected
>> and actual start of availability is 3.75 hours.  Looking more closely,
>> where the difference is less than 1 day (~95% of the time) the average
>> is 2.5 hours, and where it's more than 1 day (~5%) the average is 1.5
>> days.  Is that still useful?

> That seems like ages...  it is certainly less time for audio I think.

yeah audio availability tends to be a lot more predictable. but since we have 
mixed radio and telly episode aggregations we can't really show it for one and 
not for the other. And 3.75 hours is quite a gap...

>> Information about UK/non-UK availability isn't stored in the PIPs
>> database at the moment, so we don't have access to it.  I believe that
>> will change in the future, but I'm not sure when.  We also don't have
>> any links between iPlayer video and News video, so unfortunately we
>> can't point to the latter as an alternative for non-UK users.
>> Hopefully that'll change, but I'm not sure if anyone's working on it
>> at the moment.

> Would be nice to have.  I was thinking of knocking up an interface to the
> content for non-UK users, but no definite plans.

i wonder why the same content appears to have one set of rights on iplayer and 
/programmes and another set on news? anybody know?


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